As a college professor for 25 years Wendy Kyman, Ph.D. taught health education, women's health, human sexuality, and nutrition courses. As a therapist she conducted group seminars and counseled individuals on a vast array of topics, including aging. 

These roles, plus Wendy's personal experiences as a first-wave boomer, are instrumental in chronicling Baby Boomers' transition into (GASP!) Senior Boomers.

Dr. Kyman is the author of Help! I Am Surrounded By Bitches: The Swamp Goddess Guide To Friendship Frenzy Amid Menopausal Mayhem and Aging Angst. Additionally, she's authored articles in academic journals and has been quoted in popular women's magazines.

1 comment:

  1. These roles, plus Wendy's personal experiences as a first-wave boomer, are instrumental in chronicling Baby Boomers' transition into (GASP!) Senior Boomers.thebabyguides.com
